Monday, November 17, 2014

Pulse Party #1 Astrology Observations

I have a 1st House Sun & Mercury, so I AM pretty sure everybody wants to know about my life... Well, if you insist I will share this long story about my weekend & a lesson of trust in the Universe ;)

 Saturday night I went to a gig w/ Michael my sweetie, I was not in the mood really. I was definitely not looking fwd to being sober around a bunch of drunk people lol Alcohol is a nice social lubricant for those who can somehow pace themselves, but I wouldn't know anything about that ;) Haha. I mean, it makes dancing & more SO much fun. Until you black out & fall into the pool or makeout all night with a transvestite because you both realized you were lovers from a past life (boyfriend was NOT happy w/ me lol)  But I digress! Back to THIS story; so the Moon was in Virgo & I wasn't sure that was the best vibe for having a wild gathering. To my memory Ive never been to a party on a Virgo Moon night. The only other sign that I worry a leeeetle bit about for gatherings is Scorpio Moon just because its emotionally heavy sign & problems can manifest /escalate like lightning quick. SO yeah it was a Scorpio Sun w/ Virgo Moon party, I had a foreboding feeling lol

 There we were & its being thrown by this Psytrance production company called Pulse. It is their 1st party in L.A., they are from San Francisco & do alot up there. The 1st DJ started and I was still feeling meh, then some friends showed up I had not seen in a long time which was super exciting! The 2nd DJ was great and I kinda started dancing. As more people showed up the energy was building very positively. It was at this big warehouse in L.A. industrial area, the room was not even that big but the guys renting the space to us seemed cool. The party is set to go until 7 AM but about 1 AM all the lights come on, music stops & you hear "Everybody out", apparently the space & party had not been approved by the building owner & he was not into it... It SUCKED! People were pissed off & the Pulse crew was super bummed because their L.A. intro was flopping. I shook my fist at the stars & thought "Thanks alot nit-picky Virgo Moon & harsh-ass reality bringing planets in Scorpio!" Upside being Mike had already been paid atleast... I was sad because I had JUST started to have fun!

But the night was not over! Within a half-hour the crew found a 2nd venue & sent the word out via social media for people to head there.Yay!! This place was a bar in South Central L.A. which is a notoriously bad spot. The whole thing seemed shady & like the cops would be called if we set up our speakers & started blasting psytrance into the neighborhood, right? The owner said it was no problem at all. There was a reggae party going on INside the bar until 5 AM. People started showing up & it was even more joy-filled then the 1st party, it felt like a family reunion almost lol There was a firepit. The headliner DJs still wanted to spin, no neighbors complained, no police showed up! This new party became even COOLER than the 1st would have been, Pulse definitely got itself on the L.A. party map as willing to go the distance for the people & music! (Oh the rallying!) It was an excellent party and went until 10 AM Sunday.
I learned a lesson about the Moon, it wants to effing PARTAYY no matter what sign its in! The Virgo/Scorpio duo tossed out 1 party for something better which followed the RULES but was also deeper on all levels than it would have been otherwise. Also the reggae party & psytrance parties inter-mingled which is really cool community building. All in all my favorite party so far, looking forward to the next one!

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