Monday, November 17, 2014

1st Post

Hello Internet Person,

I started this blog because I love astrology. The Moon is in Pisces tonight/today so I decided to start this blog which I have been thinking of starting for many, many Pisces Moons. So. Some people say astrology is a load of crap. It's just another mythology like many other religions. I say astrology, while it is mythology, is a little bit better because it is based on society & human observation of other humans... Take away the planets and you still have people over 1000s of years noticing that hey... everybody born at THIS certain time of the year has these certain traits, isn't that uncanny? And then the other person says yes, uncanny is what that is. Then a third guy comes up with a cart of vegetables for sale, end of scene.

My Grandmother was/is the first person who told me my sign, I do not remember what age I was. I am a Pisces & she was/is a Scorpio. She died when I was 19 & now 15 years later I still miss her very much. She was funny, had curly red-hair, green eyes & a temper. I wish I had spent more time WITH her, when at her house I watched TV in one room while she did in another. Then as a teenager I did not care much. I cannot think too much about her without starting to cry for time lost. Ugh. So anyway she introduced me to astrology.

At around age 20 I started to really get into it & figure out my chart. I have a Pisces Sun, Pisces Rising & Gemini Moon. Air & Water, seafoam, fog, I honestly do feel like I condensate on whatever is around me, interacting against my will at times! 

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