Saturday, February 7, 2015

Marlon Brando & Montgomery Clift - An Aries/Libra Comparison

If you know me, you may know that I love history. In Astroloy I have a Gemini Moon in my 3rd house, these are 2 signs that I think a lot.  I work online and at home. Loving astrology and having ADD; I look up the charts of historical/famous figures on the daily! A few weeks back I decided I can at least record some of what I find, in case anyone else wants to know. That totally makes it NOT a waste of time, right?! I want to be blogging more anyway, this will be the 1st of many more...

 So, I was reading stories actors tell about other actors. The one between these two celebs is pretty sweet:

Most people know who Marlon Brando is right? I knew that he was/is an Aries because in the book Sextrology he is said to be the embodiment of true Aries-ness! Beginning his acting career onstage in the 1940s Marlon B. is a Hollywood legend, known for his gripping, realistic portrayals of tough masculine characters. There is no question he was a hard-working, influential actor. He was in A Streetcar Named Desire (I may have to see that one now), Apocalypse Now & The Godfather. I knew him growing up as the guy in Guys & Dolls and Rebel Without a Cause. His strong opinions, passions are well known in real life. He dated many women, married three times and fathered 16 children. He maintained a rather a-hole reputation until his death in 2004.

Marlon Brando was born April 3, 1924 Sun in Aries Moon in Aries

Then there is Montgomery Clift. I had heard this name but knew nothing of him. Doing wiki-research, I learned Montgomery Clift is a Libra, (the opposite of Aries) born October 17, 1920. I was surprised to learn they were opposing signs and it just makes the story cooler. I think of Libra as a dual sign in the league of Pisces or Gemini because scales have 2 parts that need to balance for equality. I think its interesting that Clift has a twin sister too. He is known as the 1st actor to bring an emotional male character to the screen in films like From Here to Eternity and A Place in the Sun. People in theaters would cry or gasp, touched by his natural & sensitive portrayals. He was even included on Time Most Beautiful Faces In The Last 100 Years list. He had no children, he was gay, but of course closeted to the public. No doubt this is part of why he was so good at bringing raw emotionally tormented characters to life. He shared very close enduring relationships with women such as Elizabeth Taylor & Maureen O'Hara who remained always loyal friends to him.  In 1956 he was in a bad car accident that paralyzed half of his face (balance/imbalance Libra theme), he became reclusive, getting addicted to alcohol and pills and becoming severely depressed, understandably...
It was a time when cigarettes were safe lol

Style, totally 50s fierce.

Abs in the Sun, maybe?

So apparently what happened between these two "Hollywood leading man rivals" goes as follows:

Around 1960, Clift was darkly depressed. Lost in addiction after his painful & traumatic accident, basically killing himself slowly. Marlon Brando unannounced showed up at Clifts house one day and tells him something like: You HAVE to get back to making films. Your performances have always driven me to take more daring work and without you there I have no one to compete with, youre such a great actor, Ive always admired you and no one compares to you!
Clift was shocked to hear this and it did give him inspiration to come back to film. He cleaned up his substance issues and even with a half paralyzed face rose to the challenge. Delivering some of the greatest roles of his career. I think this is a really cool story and from an astrological point of view its cool that these 2 opposing signs actually helped eachother & brought out the best in eachother, Brando did it for selfish, some might say Aries-ish reasons that never the less pushed a very off balanced Libra back towards what he needed to be. Clift became again a popular actor though  he tragically died suddenly in his sleep @ home in 1966 of a heart attack.

I think these men are a perfect example of the opposing signs of Libra and Aries. Their relationships with women and sexual/love expression are very different. I think both lives are rather tragic but in such different ways. The Libra guy (scales,Venus) who is sensitive, he brings sensitivity to male roles in movies (balancing things out you could say?) And again his life reflects the scales when he has his accident at the peak of his career which plunges him way under. Yet still he find his way back into balance and dies young. I see the similar-yet-opposite in the story of the Aries who also breaks into new territory with his acting but his tragedy is not so obvious as a car accident. No, not a car accident; Marlon Brando lived a much longer life that was more like an ongoing train wreck. Yet his life is tempered the art he brought to the world through his roles, leaving a film legacy as well as a living legacy of actual children.  He got really weird as he got older too, look it up! More people know who Marlon Brando is but I think Clift may have had a bigger impact on film/audiences even if nobody has heard of him much. He brought beauty, charm and sensitivity to light, very Venusian of him! He also will remain in the minds of the people who know of him, young, talented and beautiful.

So there you have an example of Libra & Aries.

Plus how hot were these two?!
Geez Marlon leave some smoldering for the rest of the class!

There are not many pictures of "Monty" smiling which is a shame
BFF Elizabeth Taylor

Double Aries, I am not sure his rising is accurate here & I personally believe Brando is a Taurus rising.

Oh and extra info, this is Tuki Brando, Marlons gorgeous Cancerian grandson who he left out of his will... Do not worry though, Tuki has done just fine without him though! Super finesome might say ;) 

Monday, November 17, 2014

1st Post

Hello Internet Person,

I started this blog because I love astrology. The Moon is in Pisces tonight/today so I decided to start this blog which I have been thinking of starting for many, many Pisces Moons. So. Some people say astrology is a load of crap. It's just another mythology like many other religions. I say astrology, while it is mythology, is a little bit better because it is based on society & human observation of other humans... Take away the planets and you still have people over 1000s of years noticing that hey... everybody born at THIS certain time of the year has these certain traits, isn't that uncanny? And then the other person says yes, uncanny is what that is. Then a third guy comes up with a cart of vegetables for sale, end of scene.

My Grandmother was/is the first person who told me my sign, I do not remember what age I was. I am a Pisces & she was/is a Scorpio. She died when I was 19 & now 15 years later I still miss her very much. She was funny, had curly red-hair, green eyes & a temper. I wish I had spent more time WITH her, when at her house I watched TV in one room while she did in another. Then as a teenager I did not care much. I cannot think too much about her without starting to cry for time lost. Ugh. So anyway she introduced me to astrology.

At around age 20 I started to really get into it & figure out my chart. I have a Pisces Sun, Pisces Rising & Gemini Moon. Air & Water, seafoam, fog, I honestly do feel like I condensate on whatever is around me, interacting against my will at times! 

Pulse Party #1 Astrology Observations

I have a 1st House Sun & Mercury, so I AM pretty sure everybody wants to know about my life... Well, if you insist I will share this long story about my weekend & a lesson of trust in the Universe ;)

 Saturday night I went to a gig w/ Michael my sweetie, I was not in the mood really. I was definitely not looking fwd to being sober around a bunch of drunk people lol Alcohol is a nice social lubricant for those who can somehow pace themselves, but I wouldn't know anything about that ;) Haha. I mean, it makes dancing & more SO much fun. Until you black out & fall into the pool or makeout all night with a transvestite because you both realized you were lovers from a past life (boyfriend was NOT happy w/ me lol)  But I digress! Back to THIS story; so the Moon was in Virgo & I wasn't sure that was the best vibe for having a wild gathering. To my memory Ive never been to a party on a Virgo Moon night. The only other sign that I worry a leeeetle bit about for gatherings is Scorpio Moon just because its emotionally heavy sign & problems can manifest /escalate like lightning quick. SO yeah it was a Scorpio Sun w/ Virgo Moon party, I had a foreboding feeling lol

 There we were & its being thrown by this Psytrance production company called Pulse. It is their 1st party in L.A., they are from San Francisco & do alot up there. The 1st DJ started and I was still feeling meh, then some friends showed up I had not seen in a long time which was super exciting! The 2nd DJ was great and I kinda started dancing. As more people showed up the energy was building very positively. It was at this big warehouse in L.A. industrial area, the room was not even that big but the guys renting the space to us seemed cool. The party is set to go until 7 AM but about 1 AM all the lights come on, music stops & you hear "Everybody out", apparently the space & party had not been approved by the building owner & he was not into it... It SUCKED! People were pissed off & the Pulse crew was super bummed because their L.A. intro was flopping. I shook my fist at the stars & thought "Thanks alot nit-picky Virgo Moon & harsh-ass reality bringing planets in Scorpio!" Upside being Mike had already been paid atleast... I was sad because I had JUST started to have fun!

But the night was not over! Within a half-hour the crew found a 2nd venue & sent the word out via social media for people to head there.Yay!! This place was a bar in South Central L.A. which is a notoriously bad spot. The whole thing seemed shady & like the cops would be called if we set up our speakers & started blasting psytrance into the neighborhood, right? The owner said it was no problem at all. There was a reggae party going on INside the bar until 5 AM. People started showing up & it was even more joy-filled then the 1st party, it felt like a family reunion almost lol There was a firepit. The headliner DJs still wanted to spin, no neighbors complained, no police showed up! This new party became even COOLER than the 1st would have been, Pulse definitely got itself on the L.A. party map as willing to go the distance for the people & music! (Oh the rallying!) It was an excellent party and went until 10 AM Sunday.
I learned a lesson about the Moon, it wants to effing PARTAYY no matter what sign its in! The Virgo/Scorpio duo tossed out 1 party for something better which followed the RULES but was also deeper on all levels than it would have been otherwise. Also the reggae party & psytrance parties inter-mingled which is really cool community building. All in all my favorite party so far, looking forward to the next one!